Lady using ATM in wall

ATM Insurance

Insurance for ATMs

Owning ATM machines has become a business which is growing on a daily basis.

Man at ATM with lady waiting in lin

What is ATM insurance?

The use of Automated Teller Machines has grown to a point that most people rarely visit their branch bank to get cash. We have developed an insurance program that will protect the owner against loss of an ATM machine and the money it contains. Coverage for ATMs encompasses basic insurance areas, crime, property and liability.

Crime Coverage Provides protection for the ATM's funds that are lost as a result of:

  • Employee Dishonesty: Employees of the ATM owners, if required.
  • Robbery: Robbery of an employee of the ATM owner who is servicing the machine.
  • Burglary: Burglary of the machine and, if required, mysterious disappearance.
  • Property: Loss of the actual ATM itself.
  • Liability Coverage: Provides protection to the owners of the ATM from legal action brought against them by individuals who suffer bodily injury and property damage as a result of using their ATM machine.


Female at ATM

Marshall & Sterling has a Specialized Program Built for You

We have been specializing in servicing the money handling industry for more than fifty years, including clients that have been with us since the beginning. By maintaining our focus on client specific needs and challenges, we're able to deliver specialized products, services, and insurance protection that our competitors can’t. Our claims handling service is quick, precise, experienced and focused on your satisfaction.

Contact our team for more information today!

Tips from Experts
Tips from our experts
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Guidelines for Providing Surge Protection

When it comes to losses of electrical and electronic equipment, few events can match the destruction caused by surges (transients) and electrical noise. These phenomena are responsible for about 50 percent of most electronic equipment failures today—and that doesn’t even begin to take into account the latent damage or degradation to electrical equipment caused by surges.